Member Assistance Program

The Sheet Metal Occupational Health Institute Trust Inc. (SMOHIT) works with the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation (SMART) workers to provide its Member Assistance Program (MAP). This mental health awareness and action program highlights the issues associated with substance use disorder and suicide prevention, then educates union members on solutions, helping members and their families access those resources when they need them.

These SMART MAP mentors are compassionate, empathetic and well-respected union members who, together with experts in the field of mental health, support our members throughout the recovery process.

This is an important program for our members, and we are making it as affordable as possible so that representatives from all locals can attend.

Led by Chris Carlough, SMART MAP Program Coordinator, the three-day awareness training offers theoretical knowledge and practical experience dealing with mental health issues, as well as hands-on training to develop basic skills necessary for crisis intervention support.

Chris Carlough

SMART MAP focuses on three essential treatment aspects for the mental health of our members and their families: awareness, resources and peer support.

SMART MAP focuses on three essential treatment aspects for the mental health of our members and their families: awareness, resources and peer support.

Awareness SMART MAP Icon


Our national and localized training sessions offer a broader awareness of the problems associated with mental health disorders, from depression to substance use disorder and suicide prevention. These training sessions focus on the social, financial and quality-of-life impact for those members and their families who are affected and the options that are available to them.

Solutions SMART MAP Icon


Mental health issues can be complex, so having the very best professional resources for our locals is vital. We discuss the problems associated with substandard drug and alcohol treatment centers and what good evidence-based treatment comprises, highlighting SMOHIT’s Preferred Providers treatment centers from around the country. We also examine the value of the right employee assistance programs (EAPs) and the importance of various 12-step support programs.

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The therapeutic value of one union member helping another cultivates a powerful peer support network. Our SMART MAP mentors listen to and support those members throughout their journey and assist in the most important part of this program — helping our members work toward gaining long-term recovery, from whatever mental health issue they are working through, with compassion and empathy.

Our SMART MAP mentors are well-respected local union members with strong communication skills who also have the time and natural desire to help others. These peer mentors support our members as they return to work and assist with coordinating the member’s continuing care plan to sustain a successful continuation of their recovery.

Once our members complete initial treatment, their reintegration back into home and work life can offer some steep obstacles. Our SMART MAP peer mentors provide a helping hand and an empathetic ear to support those in need as they overcome some of the most difficult life challenges.

Our SMART MAP mentors direct our members to additional resources and provide them with positive support and guidance during the early stages of recovery, such as 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), for those with substance abuse; and Al-Anon/Alateen and Nar-Anon for family members and friends of those affected by addiction.