
A Note from SMACNA's President

Dear SMACNA Member:

While most “expert” predictions were depressing for the construction economy and our legislative and regulatory priorities in the 118th Congress, our aggressive advocacy led by contractor engagement made the last two years memorable on many levels. SMACNA members and our leadership gained attention on Capitol Hill and across the Administration by proposing legislative and regulatory solutions that delivered countless policy and legislative victories. Instead of the promised recession, we backed legislation on infrastructure, CHIPS and Science investments with innovative tax incentives to jumpstart a weakened construction market. Due to these SMACNA-endorsed initiatives, we are now challenged to find a sufficient workforce for mega projects as well as public and private work.

SMACNA’s Congressional champions and allies wisely listened to our message about the skilled labor crisis and added preferences for Project Labor Agreements (PLA), prevailing wages and registered apprenticeship to each major new law. Our skilled and respected Washington, DC office gave us a seat at every table to advocate for legislative packages filled with SMACNA’s long-favored economic and labor management priorities. These included retrofit tax incentives, public building program grants, and private sector building efficiency provisions important to the HVAC industry. As you know, over the 117th and 118th Congress we have witnessed the President sign most of SMACNA’s long-term goals with a far-reaching impact estimated at $3 trillion dollars in public and private economic construction activity, including:

  • Infrastructure investments boosting retrofits for public buildings, and many other projects.
  • Adding prevailing wage and apprenticeship amendments to IRS tax incentives.
  • Won reforms to Davis-Bacon regulations, a top priority since the 1980’s.
  • Record-funding increases to build and retrofit airports and public buildings.
  • Reforms to the rules to boost federal PLAs and slash misclassified worker cheating.
  • The CHIPS and Science Act, including prevailing wage and apprenticeship preferences.

Although the 2022 elections left behind the slimmest of GOP House majorities and a marginal Democratic Senate, SMACNA has led on pushing bipartisan bills and issues attractive to both sides of the political divide. We all understand that even with so much accomplished in the last three years, SMACNA has several critical priorities still in need of attention. These include extending expiring tax provisions, contract change order reforms, small business banking reforms, federal building energy efficiency retrofits, amending the registered apprenticeship program with enhanced enforcement, and much more. While our Capitol Hill lobbying team has proven invaluable, YOU are the key to successful legislative advocacy which will improve our markets, financial health, and grow YOUR profitability. Here are some ways you can help push SMACNA’s priority issues over the goal line: 

  • Get to know your Senators and Representatives interested in our industry’s issues.
  • Amplify our messaging for legislative action on priorities important to our members.
  • Visit SMACNA’s e-Advocacy page to communicate with Congress.
  • Reach out to our Capitol Hill staff (202-547-8202 / advocacy@smacna.org).
  • Ask for guidance from the Capitol Hill staff in setting up meetings with your Representative and Senators.  

As SMACNA’s President and a SMAC PAC Premier Pacesetter, I want you to know how important it is to our organization that you become an influential part of our industry’s legislative and political team. Join me as we battle to achieve our highest legislative priorities for the remaining year of the 118th Congress. I am committed to working with you to build upon our outstanding legislative and regulatory record.


Carol Duncan
SMACNA President