Emerging Leaders - The Power of Emotional Intelligence

Emerging Leaders - The Power of Emotional Intelligence

  • Tue, Oct 29, 2024
  • 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Santa Rosa Ballroom, Lower Level

Research suggests that "EQ (or emotional intelligence) is a better predictor of success than intelligence quotient (IQ) or technical skills (Fest and Barron, 1996).  With this in mind, this interactive session will offer concrete strategies for practicing emotional intelligence in the workplace and using it as a vehicle for career/business success and creating a culture of respect.  People with a high EQ listen deeply, demonstrate curiosity for others, are aware of their emotions, and can influence others' emotions. This session is ideal for owners, supervisors, new and emerging leaders, and anyone looking to take their leadership skills to the next level.  

Dushaw Hockett, Principal, SPACEs