College of Fellows Welcomes New Endowed Scholarship

Inland Northwest Sheet Metal Contractors Association to award a $4,000 schloarship through the College.

More and more SMACNA chapters and members are offering college scholarships to deserving students thanks to the assistance of the College of Fellows Endowed Scholarship Program.

Starting in 2024, the Inland Northwest Sheet Metal Contractors Association will award an endowed scholarship through the College of Fellows. The endowment will be a one year $4,000 per year Scholarship that will be offered every year to the Chapters members.

SMACNA College of Fellows Endowed Scholarship Program is a chance for contractors and chapters to be recognized as generous donors without the hassle of administering scholarship(s). The College currently administers 25 endowed scholarships in addition to the 16 scholarships that belong to the College and the eight SMACNA scholarships.

As the scholarship administrator, the College screens applicants, manages award donations, and verifies that recipients continue to meet eligibility requirements. Each endowed scholarship awards $3,000, $4,000 or $5,000 per year over a four-year period.

The College of Fellows handles the paperwork and accounting, while the donor is recognized for their generosity and offered several opportunities to customize the scholarship including naming the scholarship and determining eligibility.

In addition, since the endowment principle is invested through the College of Fellows Trust, there is the potential for a better rate of return on the investment than might be achievable on an individual basis.

For more information on the College of Fellows Endowed Scholarship Program, contact Jason Watson, Administrator of the College of Fellows, at (703) 803-2981 or