Industry Leaders Gather at SMACNA’s Council of Chapter Representatives Meeting

Attendees learned more about various issues and initiatives relevant to the industry along with opportunities to engage with their peers and establish connections that will help serve them going forward.

Last week, the SMACNA Council of Chapter Representatives Meeting occurred in Newport, Rhode Island. The meeting brought together industry leaders and representatives to discuss various issues and initiatives relevant to the industry. Attendees were given valuable opportunities to engage with their peers and establish connections to help serve them going forward.

SMACNA President Tony Kocurek, Secretary-Treasurer Tom Martin, and CEO Aaron Hilger provided updates on current matters, including ongoing workforce shortages across the country and the importance of better forecasting. Hilger encouraged chapters to inform SMACNA National about larger projects coming down the pipeline. Optimism was also expressed about the recent election of Michael Coleman as SMART General President.

The meeting included various informative presentations and discussions on such topics as Davis-Bacon and Project Labor Agreements, recruiting resources, onboarding new board members, maintaining successful board relationships, and challenges for federal contractors working in the cannabis industry. Fleet risk management, workforce management, and chapter financials were also covered during the meeting. In addition, timely updates on ITI, NEMI, and SMOHIT strategic plans and how the funds can support SMACNA contractors, the recent National Pension Fund green zone certification, SMACNA chapter education offerings, and legislative activities were provided.

As always, the Council meeting was a highly informative and productive gathering of industry leaders and representatives. The insights and initiatives discussed during the session will contribute to addressing the pressing issues faced by the industry and promoting its continued success. The next Council of Chapter Representatives Meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona, scheduled for December 10-12, 2023, promises to build upon this momentum of knowledge-sharing and collaboration.