Last month, the SMACNA Council of Chapter Representatives Meeting was held in Scottsdale, Arizona. The session brought together industry leaders and representatives to discuss various issues and initiatives relevant to the industry. Attendees had valuable opportunities to engage with their peers and establish connections meant to help them become more effective leaders within the space.
The meeting included:
- Various informative presentations and discussions on such topics as reviewing chapter expense reimbursements and other expenditures.
- Empowering contractor participation at the local and national levels.
- Identifying and nurturing potential leaders.
- Understanding some of the best practices for managing remote employees.
- Developing criteria for evaluating and selecting an employee assistance program.
Legal, technical, safety, and legislative updates were also covered during the meeting. In addition, timely updates on construction market outlook and challenges, managing supply chain disruption, and maximizing CLRC resources were provided.
The Council meeting serves as a venue for industry leaders and representatives to share best practices and understand current business conditions. After the meeting, attendees will be able to articulate some of the constructive solutions developed during the session to their peers who are not in attendance. The next Council of Chapter Representatives Meeting is scheduled for June 2-4, 2024, in Beaver Creek, Colorado. Registration for the June meeting will open in early March.