SMACNA and NC SMACNA Urges North Carolina Legislature to Vote No on Code Legislation

HB 488 would politicize and risk freezing North Carolina’s residential building codes in their 2015 version.

SMACNA national and North Carolina SMACNA have jointly sent a letter to the North Carolina General Assembly urging a no vote on HB 488, legislation that would create a politically appointed code process and risk freezing the state's residential building codes in their 2015 verbiage until 2031. SMACNA's Capitol Hill office, in cooperation with code groups and code experts as well as chapter representatives throughout North Carolina, are urging the state legislature to reject this measure, stating that "only by continually upgrading building codes through the consensus process can codes rationally and effectively protect communities from a greater frequency of natural disaster events this year and those predicted in years ahead for coastal and other vulnerable areas." 

In a letter to North Carolina legislators, Stan Kolbe, SMACNA's Executive Director of Government and Political Affairs, stated, "Building codes and standards should not be the product of politics but of a consensus process utilizing engineering and building science expertise."

In addition to the ongoing joint lobbying effort with other stakeholders within the North Carolina construction community, SMACNA is also urging North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper to veto the legislation should it reach his desk for signature.

Take a moment to read SMACNA's letter to the North Carolina legislature.