Kojo is Mechanical!

The nation's leading procurement and inventory management platform is fully operational for the mechanical industry. Connect your field, office, warehouse, shop, accounting, and vendor teams on one streamlined platform.

Article content provided by Kojo.

Mechanical customers are seeing success with Kojo. To date, mechanical contractors have sent 6,000 field requests to the office and created over 17,000 purchase orders worth $50 million. That's almost 6000 times the field and office didn't have to call and email back and forth to figure out what was being ordered. 

"It's night and day... the [invoice team] was having to try to reconcile what the [field team] was writing to what we were invoiced, and now, that's not even an issue because of intelligent scanning," says one mechanical contractor based in Washington.

Learn more about how Kojo can help your business.  

Visit the Kojo website.

Contact Kojo here.

Kojo is trusted and utilized by thousands of construction professionals across the country every day. As the construction industry’s leading procurement platform, enables trade and self-perform general contractors to take control of their margins by consolidating the procurement process onto one, all-inclusive digital platform.